Employee Drug Testing Non-DOT

Accurate & Fast Results
HR/Safety Managers are using their smartphone more and more throughout the work day from one building to another. Now they will receive test results on any of their devices.
To ensure the accuracy of drug tests for employee screening, donor collection and test results must occur in a timely manner. ESM offer a variety of drug and alcohol tests that are fast, affordable, accurate, and convenient. Our employee testing and screening platform also accounts for the window of detection or the "look back period" when scheduling each individual drug.
Schedule Your Drug Test
The ESM Scheduling Platform allows you to go on any device and schedule the employee drug testing ANYWHERE in the country at your finger tips. Enter the last four digits of your SSN, your name, cell phone number, and click.
- Collection Site is immediately sent an email to let them know this donor is coming in for a test and EXACTLY what test to perform.
- Donor is sent a notification to his email of the scheduled test, with a map of how to get to the site, hours of operation, and Siri can pull up a GPS and give verbal directions.
- HR/Safety Manager will receive a confirmation of scheduled tests, if the donor took the test or a NO SHOW, and final results after testing is complete.
Since industries regulated by federal agencies like the U.S. Department of Transportation have special requirements for employee drug testing programs, our nationwide collection network makes donor scheduling seamless.

Donor Collection Site Locator
Drug screening groups are commonly referred to as a drug testing panel. The most common panels used are a 5 panel, 10 panel and 12 panel drug tests. Panels specify how many drugs will be screened. Customized drug test screenings can be analyzed for numerous street drugs, narcotics, stimulants, steroids, marijuana and suboxone as well as a wide range of prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs.
Employee Drug Testing For Non-DOT
(Oral Fluid, Rapid Urine, SAMHSA Lab & Hair)
All employers not under DOT regulations (construction, manufacturers, steel, poultry and more) Here are our non DOT testing options. All forms of testing that we offer for the past 20 years are backed by 100% GCMS Confirmation Testing.
Rapid Test Kits - Comes combined with a chain of custody form and test kit. Our program includes: online scheduling, collections sites nationwide, GCMS confirmation at a SAMHSA Lab, AAMRO certified physician review of all positive samples, electronic reporting of results within hours.
Oral Fluid Testing - There is no need for scheduling, or a collections site. The sample is collected during the interview. This form of testing has been used by employers for over 20 years, including companies such as Lowes, Krogers, Wells Fargo, and many others. The employer simply provides our saliva test device to the donor, seals it, gathers signature, and ships Federal Express (drop box) to the Lab. All positives are reviewed by our AAMRO certified physician, and reported to our online platform or by secure email. Negative results are reported in 18 to 24 hours, and positives within 72 hours or longer.
Hair Test - Our hair testing services are scheduled through a nationwide collection network, with the option of 90 day, 180 day, or 1 year of detection window available. This is a very effective way to test employees' present and past use of drugs. All tests are collected at the collection site and shipped to the lab via Fed Ex. All sample results are reported with 36 to 48 hours on a negative, and 72 hours or longer for positives and reviewed by our AAMRO certified physician.
SAMHSA Lab Test - Urine drug test that is exactly the same as a DOT test, but can test for 10 drugs, nicotine, and alcohol on the same sample. The process is the same, scheduling, national collection sites, AAMRO certified physician, Fed Ex, chain of custody form, GCMS confirmation at a SAMHSA certified lab, and electronic reporting to any device.
Fast Turnaround Time - Our ability to get results back to our customers is faster than ANY competitor in our business, as we have combined the best of practices for our industry from collections, lab, AAMRO review, and reporting options to all types of devices. Never let time slow down your company.

Randon Selection Notification
Donor receives notification of employee drug testing via email with a map to collection site. "Ask Siri for directions"
New hires or current employees are notified they have been chosen for random or pre-employment selection via email. They will recieve instructions and verification of scheduled tests, a map, hours of operation, and yes Siri or Alexa can give directions to the collection site nationwide.
Both stand-alone random testing pools and consortium random testing pools are available for trucking companies, bus companies, for hire carriers and private fleets. The 2020 ESM Screening Platform can simplify the process and help your company personalize a program that keeps your company or business in compliance and out of trouble with the DOT so that you avoid fines and penalties.
Ready to Order or Buy & Schedule a Employee Drug Test?
To Buy or Order and Schedule a Employee Drug Test (Non-DOT), select from the options below. If you are not ready to Buy or Order, select option 3 for more information.
- Option 1: BUY & SCHEDULE (Ecommerce)
- Option 2: ORDER & SCHEDULE (PO Based)
You will then be contacted by our staff to setup your account and schedule your test. They will also issue and send you a login URL with a username & password so you can review test dates, times and locations.

If you need more information or have questions, fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly.